Basic and key tips on how to decorate the house

Many have heard the advice to avoid grocery shopping when you're hungry because it leads to poor choices. The same applies to furniture stores. Don't panic and rush into buying just because you have an empty house. Yes, you need a sofa. But if a pink striped sofa just because it is in the store If you like to choose without measuring or thinking about the rest of the room, you are wrong. The rest of the room should be arranged around that sofa and if the furniture is too big for the space it will look awkward. Start with the room you want to furnish with a measuring tape and a notebook.

Basic and key tips on how to decorate the house and proper arrangement

The basis of the arrangement

To reach the finish line, you must first know where you are going.


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Don't start by going to the furniture store

Many have heard the advice to avoid grocery shopping when you're hungry because it leads to poor choices. The same applies to furniture stores. Don't panic and rush into buying just because you have an empty house. Yes, you need a sofa. But if a pink striped sofa just because it is in the store If you like to choose without measuring or thinking about the rest of the room, you are wrong. The rest of the room should be arranged around that sofa and if the furniture is too big for the space it will look awkward. Start with the room you want to furnish with a measuring tape and a notebook.

Learn the measurements well because matching the scale of the furniture with the scale of a room is very important.

A sofa can easily be large for a small room and stylish chairs can get lost in big attic. Before you start imagining the design and layout, measure and consider the length and width of any room you want to decorate, along with the height of the ceiling and any elements that can get in the way, such as stairs, columns, radiators, and other things. It's also a good idea to measure the window space, along with the wall space below, above, and on the sides of the windows separately so that you have the size for the window covering.Prediction by accurate measurement can help to avoid such problems.


Create an outline

Once you've determined your room measurements, it's time to use them in an outline that gives you a top-down view of the entire home. Alexa Hampton, president of Mark Hampton, the New York interior design firm founded by her father, says every business should start with a blueprint. You must know the space. One option is to draw an outline the traditional way with paper, pencil and ruler. However, most professional designers use design software such as AutoCAD. Comparing these methods, there are apps that aim to create simple plans for homeowners (some even take measurements automatically with your smartphone camera but double-check those numbers) including Magicplan, Floor Plan Creator and RoomScan Pro. Once you have the general layout of the space, decorate with furniture placement, making sure the footprint of each piece fits the design.


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Decide what style you want


This part is difficult and there are no right or wrong answers. Rooms can be traditional or modern, formal or casual and visually warm or cool.

Ms. Hampton said: to the best of your ability, you should try to determine how you would like to live in a given space?

What to do?

How many people live there?

Is there a child or not?

Tastes what do you mean by how you would like to live?

For example, the home decor of someone who regularly throws large dinner parties should be different from the home of someone who eats out every night. Someone who plans to host a grand fundraiser needs a different living room than someone who only dreams of sitting in front of the TV. Check out design books and magazines as well as online resources such as Houzz, Pinterest and Instagram in order to better match your personal style. Find a style that resonates most with you and create an album of your favorite images, says Brad Ford, an interior designer in New York City. Once you've collected images you like, read them up on the details, Mr. Kleinberg advises. He said: See where patterns can be used and where colors can be used.


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Use of colored strips

Take your design ideas a step further by using color tape in the actual space where furniture is placed on the floor and objects on the wall. "We use blue tape on the floor to mark the placement of different elements," says Ann Maxwell Foster, owner of the New York interior design firm Tilton Fenwick.

Where will the rug be? Does it need to be cut?

How far does the coffee table come out?

Even though we have everything down to a sixteenth of an inch in our furniture design, there is nothing about visualizing it in space and being able to walk around it.


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Develop a budget

There is no way around the fees. If you unexpectedly bought an expensive chair, you'll have less money available for the rest of the house. Mr. Ford said: You want to be sure about how spend your money strategically. A budget gives you a road map for how to divide the cost of buying items among rooms. If you find a unique dining table, you can still make an exception but you need to think about where you can cut back to pay for it, she noted.

Plan the steps

to do list

Finishing plaster walls, refinishing hardwood floors and painting ceilings all need to be done first. If possible, it's best to complete this type of work before moving any furniture or accessories into the place. If it cannot be avoided, wrap large furniture under plastic covers and tape accessories in boxes to protect them.

"That room is a powerful moment when someone walks into your home," says owner of interior design firm Tilton Fenwick. "It can reveal a lot about your personality and design taste."

A wallcovering or wallpaper that may not be suitable for a living room or bedroom can be attractive and ideal enough for a foyer or entryway. This is where you can scream a color or create a solid color or wallpaper to create a surprising and attractive feeling to the audience which may not only be unattractive but disgusting in a large living room.


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Add an advantage

Coverings and wallpapers are expensive but since foyer are usually small, these products are often be used easily without high cost. At the same time, installing highlighted wallpapers with special colors that can be matte or shining that can add more beauty to the foyer.


Design in your style

With a few key pieces of furniture and decorative accessories, you can adjust the style of your daily entrance and exit.

Usually a large space is not available so you can make the arrangement in your own style with a limited number of pieces. If you're the type of person who likes to leave everything behind when you walk in, "a console with an accessible drawer is great because it's a good place to hide your keys and stuff or in the absence of a drawer, a bowl, A tray or other sculptural container can serve as a tool to help organize things.

Similarly a bench or a stool that swivels under the console can be a convenient place to sit while putting on or taking off shoes, while taking up minimal floor space.

Another useful element is the wall mirror. This is your last chance to check yourself in before you head out the door.


Plan for the weather


As the first space that people enter from the outside, the foyer has to deal with many things and be flexible to face different events such as ice, snow, rainwater, mud and anything else that nature decides to give us. To prevent these things from penetrating into the rest of the house, facilities should be considered in front of the house door and the entrance door.

Efforts to cleanse these natural gifts should begin before even entering the foyer. It is very wise to prepare and install a doormat outside so that everyone can clean themselves even before entering.

In inside house, you can follow the theme further with an indoor and outdoor carpet. Purchasing and installing an umbrella stand not only keeps umbrellas accessible but prevents wet umbrellas from draining onto the floor. Buckets or baskets can be used placed under the console which can contain wet hats and gloves. If your foyer does not have a closet, buy a shelf or install a wall cabinet. These are all functional items that can be use as decorative elements.


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Dining room and living room decoration ideas

living room

The main living areas whether they are separate rooms or combined in an open space, provide an ideal place to live and socialize with family and friends.


Define, determine and prepare your color palette

Digital images are the closest you can get to what the real thing will look like. Some colors are not well distinguishable when they are seen on the screen and they become difficult to distinguish between warm and cold ones.

 As far as possible, order a sample of the color groups of the desired item, fabric samples and material samples to make sure the final products meet your expectations. You can order samples from vendors.

Don't just look at samples in isolation. Pin them to the board or place them in a tray to see how well they match or clash. For example, all greens may go well with other colors or all blues go well with each other. Other colors should be in contrast. Putting samples together is a way to see if different colors and patterns are in harmony or tension.

For example when we are working on a fabric design, we can put the fabric on the duplicator and display it in a smaller size and cut it to fit the floor plan and paste it on the work so we can see that How different fabrics appear in the room.


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Wall design

It can be very difficult to recognize and determine colors because they appear in different lighting conditions and a wide range of spectrum. Finally, if chosen carelessly, it will not attract our attention. This carelessness and mistake will only show when you implement it on the wall. For this reason, it's never a good idea to quickly determine and choose the final color when you first see a swatch in the store. The least you can do is to look at the largest sample you can in the room that you plan to paint. Paint large sample pieces on walls or on boards that can be moved around and view them at different times of the day.

Note: As long as you test the color before painting the entire room, there's no reason to fear bold and saturated colors.

After choosing the color, go for the glossiness and opaqueness of the color. Matte colors have a pleasant appearance that hides the defects of the walls but it is not attractive to maintain, clean and touch. For example some people prefer the color of egg or bone which is a little more shiny and easier to clean.

Bases, moldings or models, doors and other decorations can be painted to match the color of the room or chosen to match to look visually interesting or you can choose a contrasting color usually white to the color of the door of the rooms to create more interest. The background can be painted with a different brightness than the walls. A glossy or semi-glossy color gives more attention to molds and models while being more durable.

You need to decide what color you want to choose for the ceiling too. You can paint it in white, bring something that gives you a more pleasant feeling or paint them with a color close to the color of the walls. It is safe and appropriate to use smooth glossy colors because rarely dirty fingers or staining objects will touch the ceiling. If the ceiling surface is completely flat, it can be painted with a glossy finish as a design feature that reflects light into the living space. If your ceiling is not smooth, don't do this because being shiny will only highlight the imperfections.

For the unexpected items, consider looking beyond color including patterned wallpaper, grass cloth, wooden panels and even stone and brick cladding.


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Choose furniture

Use your floor plan and inspiration pictures, choose specific pieces of furniture, sofas, chairs and tables that will make the space attractive. Depending on the mood you want, you can make different choices.

For a traditional room, focusing on a symmetrical layout often helps. For example, installing a sofa and coffee table in the center of the fireplace with armchairs on either side. A very symmetrical space can be elegant and formal. On the other hand if you choose a single sofa the space will probably be less formal.

Seat height is also important. Sofas and lounge chairs in the same room should have seats of similar height to prevent some people from sitting much higher than others. In general lower chairs offer a sense of comfort and relaxation and higher chairs are more formal.

Whether the space is casual or formal, there is a general rule to keep in mind that is the number of dining chairs should correspond approximately to the number of furniture for rest. If you plan to have 12 people at a dining table, you should have 12 chairs in the living room for pre and post meal entertainment.


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How to arrange things

No sofa or chair in the living room should be an island. When people sit down, they need a place to put a drink or a book as well as light to read. Place a coffee table within reach of each chair along with a table or lamp.

No one wants to get their toe stuck in a chair so you need to make sure there are plenty of clear spaces in the living room to walk through and no furniture is blocking any doors or making it necessary to push them.


Will your living room have a TV?

Tv room

If so, consider a TV wall mount or a TV-stand as well as space to route and hide cables.


Are you planning to host a self-service dinner?

If so, a table and space near the dining table will allow you to serve guests in one space instead of having them wander around the kitchen.


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Add a rug

The living room looks bare with hardwood floors but no carpet. Add a rug for real visual beauty. There are three common strategies for doing this:

1-     Roll out a large rug that covers almost the entire floor of the room, leaving a border or just a foot or two at the edges. This method is usually best used in smaller rooms.

2-     Divide a larger room into several living areas using rugs to keep the beauty of each group of furniture together or in an outdoor space, use a rug to hold the seating area together while allowing the dining area to sit directly on the wood floor.

3-     Layer smaller rugs on top of a larger rug to create more visual appeal while enhancing the room's layout.

Be generous with sizes. A small rug under the coffee table that does not reach the base of the sofas and chairs looks like a boat lost at sea. The carpet should be stretched halfway or completely under the furniture at its edges.


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The final stage of arrangement with works of art

The final step to complete any room is adding art and accessories, but there's no one-size-fits-all approach. In a minimalist space, it may be just a few objects. In a maximum space, it can include the display of entire collections and layers of art objects.

Go back to your original inspiration images and review how to decorate those rooms. Is the combination of candles, boxes, bowls and books suitable together or just a vase on the table is enough? Is a piece of art above the sofa or a wall containing a gallery of free photos appropriate?


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translator: Mr saman sayah

سایر مطالب در دکوراسیون و زیبایی

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شیوه برخورد با ۶۰ تیپ مشتری - بخش اول

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چگونه شخصیت، اخلاق وسرشت مشتریان را بشناسیم؟

خرید و فروش و داد و ستد از هنگامی که بشر به حداقل تمدن و فرهنگ زیست محیطی دست یافت و از هنگامی که نیازها روز به روز افزون تر شد رونق یافت.

مشتری کیست ؟

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