؟What property should we invest in

Real estate has always been attractive to some people so that some investors in their portfolios always paid part of their money in buying land and construction. In Iran due to the rampant inflation, all consumer and capital goods become expensive over a period of time such as property, land and residential apartment.

What property should we invest in?

 خرید ملک

Real estate has always been attractive to some people so that some investors in their portfolios always paid part of their money in buying land and construction. In Iran due to the rampant inflation, all consumer and capital goods become expensive over a period of time such as property, land and residential apartment.


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When the inflation spring is released, their prices will increase by several percent and there is good news for the capitalists because their capital will move with inflation and the value of their money will be preserved but as you can guess, for the weaker sections of the society, this is a very bad news because buying a house becomes a dream for ordinary people of society.

The field of real estate includes a number of cases, the way of investing in each is different and depending on your needs, you can invest in any of the cases.

In order to invest in real estate, you must acquire information about the e-market, you can go through the training courses and start learning and analyzing the news of the real estate market.

Then you should learn the principles of investment, you can watch an investment training course or read books related to the topic of investment.


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In the third step, after learning market analysis and how to invest in real estate, you can invest a small amount of your money in this market.

Items that are included in the real estate subset are:


1-     Land: The term "land" means a piece of land that can be traded and transferred. This concept includes construction land, agricultural land, industrial land, commercial land and other land that is used for other activities. In real estate, land is known as one of the important components of property and capital.


How to invest in land: Investing in land can be done in several ways that are:


Purchase and maintenance of land: In this method, the investor buys the land and maintains it in pure form. This method is usually used in areas that have the ability to grow and develop. Investing in land can be long-term or short-term.


Land development: In this method, the investor buys the land and then increases the value of the land by making necessary changes and constructions. This can include the construction of houses, apartments, commercial or industrial units and recreational facilities. Then the investor can sell or rent the land at a higher price


Agriculture and ranching: In areas that are suitable for agricultural and ranching activities, investment in land can include buying land for agriculture, leasing land to farmers or establishing farms and ranches.


Industrial development: In this method, the investor buys land and uses it to develop and build industrial units. This could include setting up factories, warehouses and industrial parks. Note that investing in land may involve financial, legal and other risks. Before making any investment, there is usually a thorough investigation and review of local laws and regulations, market demand and supply, economic conditions, and other relevant factors. Finally, it is better to consult a professional in the field of investment in real estate before making decision.


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2-     Garden: In the context of real estate, a garden means a large piece of land that is specifically dedicated to agriculture, horticulture or other uses related to nature. These types of gardens usually include villas, private gardens, farms and orchards. Real estate gardens can be considered as a green and relaxing space for rest and recreation. In some cases, they may include other facilities such as swimming pools, saunas, gazebos and other green spaces. Properties with large and beautiful gardens are usually worth more and are very attractive to buyers and investors.


How to invest in gardens: Investing in gardens in the field of real estate can be done in a variety of ways such as:


Buy and maintain: One way to invest in gardens is to buy an existing garden and then operate and maintain it. This method is usually used for orchards. You can harvest your income from selling garden product such as fruits.


Development and optimization: In this method, you purchase an existing garden and then apply the necessary improvements and optimizations to it. This may include improving existing buildings, creating new facilities such as pools and gazebos, improving the irrigation system and making better use of the land. You can then sell the garden at a higher price or earn income from renting it out.


Conversion into recreational and tourism projects: Another way of investing in gardens is to convert them into recreational and tourism projects. For example, you can turn your garden into a public garden that tourists and visitors can enjoy. In this case, your income will come from the entrances and business activities associated with these projects such as entrances for visitors, sales of local products and recreational services.


Property development: If your garden is located in an area with potential for development and growth, you can turn it into a property development project instead of maintaining the garden. In this way, you can create residential, commercial or industrial spaces in your properties and earn your income from selling or renting these properties.


3-     Villa: In real estate, a villa refers to a type of residential property that usually has more facilities than ordinary houses. Villas generally have a larger structure, garden area, swimming pool, large yard, garden and open space for relaxation and recreation. These properties are usually located in areas with beautiful scenery, pristine nature and cool weather that are suitable as a place to relax and have fun in. Villas are usually independent houses located outside the city. They can belong to an individual or a family and can be used for vacations, summers or as permanent residences. Villas usually have facilities such as larger rooms, spacious reception halls and equipped kitchens, master rooms, terraces and balconies to enjoy the view, parking and other facilities. Some villas also provide additional facilities such as sauna, Jacuzzi, gym and cinema. Ownership of a villa usually attracts those interested in living in a peaceful environment and access to open spaces due to the provision of amenities and relaxation in nature. Villas can be considered as a desirable investment because they usually have a higher market value than regular houses due to their unique features. Finally, the cost of owning a villa is usually higher than a regular house but it offers more facilities and comfort. To buy a villa, you usually need a lot of capital; you have to consider things issues like location, available facilities and market value. Maintenance and repair of a villa will be cost you.


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How to invest in villas: How to invest in villas can be a good way to increase your capital. The important factors in choosing a villa and the things you should keep in your mind to have a successful investment in this area are:


Advantages and disadvantages of investing in villas


-         Added value: Villas usually have a fixed and stable value and can increase their value over time.

-         Fixed income: Renting a villa as a holiday accommodation can be a source of fixed income for you.

-         Investment diversification: Investing in villas is a way to diversify investments that can reduce financial risks.

-         Physical Ownership: Investing in a villa identifies you as a physical owner and gives you a certain sense of ownership and control.


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-         Costs: Villas have high costs such as purchase and maintenance.

-         Management: Renting a villa and its continuous management requires time and energy.

-         Risks: You may face problems such as building damage, natural disasters and changes in the real estate market which can put your capital at risk.

-         Lack of liquidity: Investing in a villa usually has low liquidity and you cannot access your capital quickly.


Important factors in choosing a villa

 طراحی ملک

-         Geographical location: Choosing a villa in a suitable location in terms of access to facilities, natural scenery and proximity to sightseeing spots can increase the value of your investment and increase rental income.

-         Building condition: The physical and structural condition of the villa is very important. Make sure that the villa is in good condition and does not need significant repairs or changes.

-         Villa facilities: Checking facilities such as the number of rooms, services, parking, green space and swimming pool can affect the value and attractiveness of the villa.

-         Demand and market: Check the market and demand for renting and selling villas in the desired area. Make sure that your villa will be welcomed by tenants.


Important tips for successful investment in villas


-         Analyze the market: Before investing, carefully check the property market in the desired area and make sure that the conditions are in your favor.

-         Read: Before buying a villa, read and make sure you are familiar with all the details and terms of the deal.

-         Proper management: Managing a villa and renting it can be challenging. Make sure you allocate enough resources and time to manage the villa or use property management services.

-         Maintenance: Villa needs regular maintenance. Make sure you are able to provide financial resources and time for repairs and maintenance of the villa.

-         Investment Diversification: Look for investment diversification and distribute your capital in different areas with different types of properties to reduce risk.

Investing in villas can be a successful way to increase your capital but before making any decision, carefully check the market and the conditions of the desired property, evaluate your needs and abilities as well. It is better to use the services of a professional real estate consultant.

 ملک نقد

Summary: Between land, garden and villa, each has its advantages and disadvantages. Final choice depends on your goals and needs as an investor. 

Advantages and disadvantages:

1-     Land

Advantage: Buying land allows you to build buildings or other projects on it over the time and its values ​​may increase too.

Disadvantages: Buying land may be expensive and requires management and maintenance and its value may be affected by various factors such as changes in city rules and regulations and market trends.


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2-     Garden

Advantage: Buying a garden allows you to enjoy nature and greenery. You can grow crops in your garden or rent it out to others.

Disadvantages: Garden management requires time and the ability to care for plants and animals. The income from the garden may be less than the initial investment and requires patience and foresight to achieve profit.


3-     Villa

Advantage: Investing in a villa allows you to use it as a vacation home or rent it out to others. Its value may increase over time.

Disadvantages: Buying a villa is expensive and requires management and maintenance. The income from renting a villa may be variable and requires marketing and dealing with tenants.

 سرمایه گذاری ملکی

In general for the most suitable investment, you should consider various factors such as geographical location, local market demand, investment objective and access to resources. It is advised to consult a real estate agent to make safe decision for your investment.


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I hope this article is useful for you and has a positive impact on your investment.

Translator: Mr Saman Sayah


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